Yesterday was our appointment with Dr. Owen. Everything was blood pressure was great, I had only gained 4 pounds (for a whopping total of 10 so far...this is important information for the rest of the blog...hehe), the babies' heartrates were great. Dr. Owen started measuring my belly and got this puzzled look on her face...and then her eyes got really big. She said, "That can't be right" and measured again...and again....and came up with 33-34 centimeters, which means I was measuring 33-34 weeks gestation. She said these are some big babies! I had my gestational diabetes test and that came back great, so no worries about diabetes! She mentioned that she doesn't really want us going past 37 weeks--my goal had been 38 weeks--but she doesn't want me to go any further because you can also have problems with the babies if they are in the oven too long. So, that puts us at looking at the c-section the week of April 13-17 sometime. Right around Kaylee's birthday...April 12th. How perfect could that be?
Today was our appointment with Dr. Hales, the high-risk doctor. This means ultrasound! We told the tech when we went in what Dr. Owen measured me at yesterday and so we were all very anxious to see just how "big" these babies are. And yes, they are big. The girl weighed approximately 2 pounds, 3 ounces and the boy weighed 2 pounds 4 ounces. That means they gained just about a pound in the last 3 weeks. They are technically measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. YEA!! We are so relieved at that...if they were to be born early, then their survival rate is that much higher due simply to their size. That means if the babies are weighing that much and I've only gained 10 pounds...I am not up very much at all! YEA!! I asked what they thought they would weigh at birth, and they said that if all continues to go as it has, then they'll be well over 6 pounds. YEA!!! Again!! The bigger they are--the chances are better that we stay out of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and can go home when I am ready to go home. All of the organs and everything looked great and we got to watch them in 4D which was really cool.
We are so thankful that everything has continued to go so perfectly so far...and we know that is because of all of the prayers and thoughts on our babies' behalf. We can't thank you enough! Our continued prayer is that everything keeps progressing this can all change in a heartbeat, but we're going to do everything in our power to keep these babies going until April 12!
Our next appointments are in 3 weeks!
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Sweet Hannah
8 years ago