Tuesday, March 3, 2009

9 pounds of baby....6 more weeks to go

Today, we had another ultrasound with Dr. Hales. It had been three weeks, so we were anxious to see how big these babies were getting. I knew that they had to have had quite a growth spurt just based on how uncomfortable I was getting. They measured approximately 4 1/2 pounds each. Laney was 4 pounds 5 ounces and Mason was 4 pounds 8 ounces. That's about 9 pounds of baby! This is about 2-2 1/2 weeks ahead of schedule. YEA! We would much rather them be big than too small. It is also really good that they are so close in size. The doctors say that as long as the two babies are within 20% of each other's weight everything is fine, but our babies have been pretty much the same size the whole pregnancy. Everything looked great today. Laney is in the breech position, and Mason is still laying sideways towards my left side. No wonder my left side and back have been causing trouble! Their heads are together at the top of my belly.

Everything looked good and the doctors are still thinking that the chances of me going into labor anytime soon are very slim. I am still being monitored twice a week for contractions, but that is pretty standard at this point in the ballgame. Last week, I was given the steroid shots to help mature the babies' lungs in the event that they are born early. As of right now, they aren't planning on giving me any more of those shots. I am on medication to help relax my back muscles and another medication to relax my uterus, so those seem to be working as expected.

We are hoping that we make it about 6 more weeks! It's so hard to believe that it's almost time...this pregnancy has really flown by!

P.S. Nursery pics will be posted as soon as I get it finished...I've got to get on the ball!


The Kacal Family said...

It is so nice to hear such good news after being so worried about all of you! I cannot believe how much weight they have gained in 2 weeks!!! Time is starting to fly by and I am so looking forward to holding Laney Kayte and Mason William!!! 9lbs of baby! GOODNESS! I'm glad everything has calmed down and that there is a good chance you'll go 6 more weeks! YEA!!!!

Danielle said...

Oh that is great news! They are really good sized. I don't know a whole lot about twins, but I do know that most people are not that lucky to have them so healthy this early! I can't wait to see these babies. I hope six weeks goes by fast for you!

Anonymous said...

Great News! I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers!!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

oops! That last anonymous was from me, Joetta! Sorry!

Carri said...

Yay for a good visit! It is getting really close!

A. Lee said...

Yay!! I am so glad everything went well and that they are so big and healthy! I can't believe how close you are...it really has flown by! I can't wait to meet them!!