It all started around 3:00 Monday morning...I was actually sleeping pretty decently, but kept having these pains. They weren't bad--in fact I almost thought I was dreaming them because I never totally woke up, but was just conscious of them. I knew they ended about 5:00 and I woke up around 6:00. I had a monitoring appointment at 8:00, so I got in the shower and started getting ready. About 7:15 or so, I noticed that I was bleeding a little bit. So, Kodi decided to go with me to the doctor and we headed on up there. I told them what all was going on, and as soon as they hooked me up to the monitors, I started contracting fairly regularly. They decided to check to see if I was dialated or anything, and I was already dilated to a 4. So, they gave me a shot of terbuteline to stop the contractions, and that worked. They did a quick ultrasound check and Dr. Hales decided to go ahead and send me to the hospital for bed rest until the babies arrive. He felt very confident that we could hold out another week but wanted to be able to keep me on monitors and then have access to the operating room if need be. He let us go home and get some bags packed and Kodi and I got up to the hospital around noon.
I get settled and hooked up to monitors and sure enough, I was still contracting, but as long as I kept getting those terbuteline shots, we could stop them. The babies looked "textbook" and I really was feeling pretty good! That evening, Dr. Hales decided to put me on a pump--it is much like an insulin pump--that would automatically give me the doses of terbuteline I needed instead of having to give me a shot everytime. Since I have had the pump, I have had no contractions!
We were told from the word go that I would be in the hospital till the babies got here, so we were mentally (as best as I could be) prepared for that...but yesterday at noon the nurse practitioner came in and said that they wanted to check me and if my dilation hadn't changed, they had thought about sending me home for bed rest. Well, I hadn't changed--and still no contractions, so we got home around 6:30 last night. I am on strict bed rest here at home...and am supposed to go back to the hospital if I have the slightest little pain. We will go to be monitored tomorrow morning with Dr. Hales again and then just hang out as long as we can! He seems to think we can still hold out until the 14th, which we are going to try to do. The only time I am supposed to be on my feet is to walk to the bathroom, to bed or to the couch. I am so not used to that! But--we'll do it and just pray and hope we can hold out as long as possible. The longer we hold out, the better everything will be!
When we do go to the hospital, we will have internet access so we will post pictures as soon as we can!
Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers.....we'll keep you all updated!
Sweet Hannah
8 years ago
Praying for you! Can't wait to see them on the 14th, hopefully!
So glad you're home and resting comfortably. No excuses for being on your feet...if you need anything you just call me...I mean it. Thanks for letting us stare at you again today! We love you VERY much and cannot wait to hold Mason and Laney!!!!
Oh my gosh! I'm so glad everything's alright. You stay off of your feet and call me if you need anything! I can bring it by on my why home or whatever!
Oh my goodness!! I'm so glad you got to go home, and that everything's going well! I've been so swamped with work and getting ready to come to Lubbock that I haven't checked blogs or facebook in days...
I hope you're resting and staying off your feet! I will call you and come see you soon...I'm stuck at the hotel without a car at the moment...Colby's at work.
I'll see you soon!! Can't wait! :)
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