We had our second ultrasound today. Yes--that would be two in a week. Many people have questioned why we were having another one so soon. Well, we had another so soon in order to confirm twins. Yes--that's right--TWO babies.
Let's go back to last week.......
Kodi and I are looking at the screen while the technician is measuring the baby and the heartbeat. I kept thinking to myself, "boy, that looks awfully weird." I wasn't thinking "it" looked like it did with Kaylee. I asked the tech what the
heart rate was, and she said 111. I panicked because I just knew that sounded really low. I said, "That sounds low....is that
ok?" The tech replied, "Well, their hearts just started beating a couple of days ago."
Mmm....I thought. That doesn't make much sense....wait....did she say "THEIR?!" She really said their.........a few seconds passed and I finally said, "You are only seeing one, right?" She laughed and said, "No, there's two." I immediately started crying and looked at
Kodi and all he said was, "Cool!" and had this huge smile on his face. Not the reaction I was expecting.
The doctor comes in and says that it is still so early, that there is a chance we have a vanishing twin. We did have two heartbeats, two sacs and two placentas, but they couldn't really see the second baby. So, they asked us to come back in a week to verify and check to see if both babies were viable.
And...they were! They are just about the same size measuring right on schedule and the heart rates were 160. We had a conference with the doctor to discuss the risks and things--this is a high risk pregnancy now. He didn't seem to think that there would be any reason why there would be any troubles--he said that I had a good history and since they were spontaneous twins that the odds were in our favor. That was reassuring news!
So my due date is May 3rd (which ironically is Kaylee's Angel Day) but the doctor said we'd
probably be looking at the middle to the end of April. We'll know probably in late November/December what they are (although our gut feeling is a boy and a girl....we were right with Kaylee, so we'll see if we are right again).
We know this is a God thing! With practically no history of twins (2
nd cousins is too far away) and no fertility anything, we are just in amazement at God's handiwork. We're excited....overwhelmed, but excited...........the journey is just beginning!